Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Right hand rings are truely yours

On your daughter’s achievement or success, gift her Treasure chest gift basket.
In the treasure chest, fill it with her favorite goodies and deep inside it place the unique right hand diamond ring that perfectly reflects the love and care that’s their in store for her in your heart.
When she curiously opens up the basket and starts exploring the treasure chest and eventually when she finds the ring; one thing that you could be rest assured is a spark that lights up her face and brings in tremendous joy and happiness in her eyes that comes out with a drop of tear.

A gift for the daughter from her father has invariably left many memories to cherish; and a gift like a diamond right hand rings would always be closest to her and remind the closeness and the attachment with you.

The relationship between a father and a daughter
A father daughter relationship is beyond words to explain; some of the most cherish able moments in a daughter’s life would certainly have been with her father.
To a daughter, her father is her first male friend; through him she gets to know what to expect from men and the world at large.
Fathers play a very vital role in a daughter’s life; they teach them on how to regard themselves and on how to judge men and on what basis; while mothers are like role models who teach them to be an individual, a mother and a wife.

Fathers need to interact with their daughters at all times and should never shy away in their daughter’s adolescence stage where they need them the most.

To make this relationship all the more stronger, you could gift your daughter a unique right hand diamond ring that symbolizes her independence and individuality and of course the strength and intensity of love that exists in your heart for her. This shows diamond jewelry is part of our lives

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