Blog dedicated to provide information about latest trends of jewelry fashion, breaking news and stories, reviews and much more.

Friday, October 29, 2010
Best to know about diamond bracelets
Guidelines to choose best diamond engagement rings
When it comes to that special moment, when a man decides that it’s time that he settles down and decides to ask his lady love to marry him, then each thing that he plans to do has to be perfect; after all, to have a perfect life with the one you love, you ought to have a perfect beginning, cause often it’s the beginning that decides, how the rest of the things fall.
Every woman has a dream on how her man would propose her, and she definitely shouldn’t be disappointed, in fact it’s the responsibility of the man to make it as special as he can, in fact more than what she had expected.
When it comes to choosing diamond jewelry and diamond earrings one has to be really careful, since it is the most important part of proposal. It is
Thursday, October 28, 2010
How to present everlasting diamond earrings to your beloved
Investing on earrings is something that people don’t hesitate much; in fact when it comes to investing on diamond earrings, people just don’t give a second thought to it, even though knowing that the resale value of diamond is zilch. This is something which is quite astonishing isn’t it, you buy something worth lakhs, knowing that once you buy it, and try to resell it, you would end up earning peanuts.
Wonder what kind of magic diamond has worked on people, be it a man or a woman, each
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Know how diamond wedding ring binds a couple for eternity
Wedding – Dream of every woman since she was a little gal; to get married in front of the world. A dream wherein her Prince Charming comes and presents her with a dazzling diamond wedding ring, and takes her away to live a life together forever and ever and ever.
Prince charming or no Prince Charming, now that’s something that a gal might comprise with, however one thing that she would certainly not compromise with would be the diamond ring. Diamond bracelets and
diamond jewelry have always been a woman’s best friend and that’s exactly the reason as to why she would want her future husband
Monday, October 25, 2010
Diamond ring settings are the best choice
because it reflects the inner strength and power.
Diamond settings has been designed using the finest material of 14 or 18 karat gold so that it fits into every budget. It comes in pre set or custom made in classic, contemporary or vintage designs. The diamonds
Everlasting usage of diamond rings
Diamond bracelets best thing to gift
The popularity of men’s diamond bracelet is at a constant rise. It has become a status symbol and a mode of showing your superiority over others. It would inevitably grab all attention and make
Friday, October 22, 2010
Craft Diamond settings with true passion and fervor in it
Let’s say you choose the diamond of a particular ring, you choose a diamond setting of some other ring, and then make a bit more changes to both and combine the two; the end result would be that you get a ring that’s been exclusively designed by you and would be literally one of a kind. The person whom you present would also feel extra special knowing of all the hard work and creativity that you have put into design of the ring; also she would feel proud of you and would realize the intensity of love for her
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Engagement ring settings good to design
Engagement for a woman means the world; a start of a new life altogether; a life full of love, responsibility and commitment. A fusion of traditional elegance and modern style has formed the engagement ring settings. Beautiful engagement rings can make the day extraordinary special for your sweet heart. The one that would make her eyes sparkle even in broad daylight. A woman always looks up to the man of her life to make this day special for her so that she could cherish it the rest of her life; and only a beautiful engagement ring can
Express the warmath of love by gifting best anniversary rings
Anniversary rings are a reminder of how much you love and care for your partner. It symbolizes the commitment and dedication between you and your sweetheart. After marriage it’s generally seen that often couples miss out on expressing their love and affection the way they used before getting married. A gift of a ring on their anniversary is something which would shout out loud their love for their partner. It’s the one which would compensate the unsaid expression of love all this time. These rings
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Stupendously stun one and all with astounding diamond studs
Diamond jewelry make a great gift for someone special, they could be given on their birthday or any such special occasion; they have been made available in 14 K and 18 K white gold, two tone or yellow gold. There is no age limit to fashion, if you think that you're too old or too young to look stylish; then you're absolutely wrong and you should start thinking in a different way and be more rational.
If you look good and carry yourself really well then that helps you in gaining your confidence and lets you face every situation with courage. In order to look good and stylish, does not mean that you have to be beautiful to look that way; to understand it better, let us compare two people, one is very beautiful and glamorous but carries herself very carelessly, she doesn't even bother the way she has dressed and looks very untidy, and on the other hand we have another person who's not so beautiful but has carried herself really well.
She has paid proper attention to the way she has dressed and has got some accessories on as well which enhance her beauty; now the question is, whom do you appreciate? Well of course the answer is the second person. Moral of the whole story is that, always carry yourself really well and look stylish, cause these things matter a lot at all times and especially when most needed. So, wait no further and get yourself a dazzling pair of diamond suds or diamond bracelets to exceptionally enhance your entire persona and fill it with style and glitter.
Studs came into great popularity in the recent times and are fancied by both genders. Time and tide have changed, fashion belongs to one and all; be it a man or a woman, a boy or a girl, an old man or an old lady or a young kid, fashion is for everyone. Diamond suds are becoming immensely popular and with growing demand, manufacturers are coming up with a wide variety of collection in order to meet the needs and desires of different customers.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Diamond Wedding Jewelry Adds Panache to Your Relationship
Wedding is unquestionably a very special event which is filled with lots of emotions. Diamond wedding rings reflect the purity and strength in a relationship. They reflect the significance of love with commitment and dedication between the two love birds and personify the promise made by the two with each other to be together at good and bad times.Wedding bands symbolizes the unbreakable bond and power which exists between the lovers, hence unquestionably what could be better than a diamond studded wedding ring which is a sign of profound devotion and everlasting affection.
While contemplating on what jewelry to wear for the wedding ceremony, one often
Right Hand Rings Makes You feel different
Right hand rings have a sparkling look and would undoubtedly dazzle all and make you stand out of the crowd. It would explicitly grab all attention and make you see a sign of envy on all eyes falling on you. It builds a self confidence and makes you look so elegant that all around you would look rusty.
When you have plans to wear a ring on a semi regular basis and want it to be unique however not so much that it embarrasses you and leaves you with no other option but to quit wearing it further, then diamond right hand rings are what you must opt for. It would surely
Unspoken Truth About Diamond Jewelry
Diamond stud earrings, a perfect gift to the most perfect person in your life. Its stylish design and elegance would simply leave everyone gasping for air. These come in different varieties of designs, sizes, and carats. Stud earrings with diamonds embedded in 14k and 18k white and yellow gold come in a wide range of prices. These earrings could be customized as per your requirements so that you get the liberty to choose the design and decide which diamond to use, however they come with a slightly higher price tag. Studs embedded with diamonds simply enhance the grace of a woman in the most elegant fashion. They have been designed to look elegant in both formal and informal wears and appeal to all age groups of men and women.
Unquestionably to reach a woman’s heart, it could only be through diamonds. diamond jewelry invariably stays in a women’s heart and captures her soul till eternity. With sparkling diamonds all over her body, it would take
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Never ever known facts about diamonds and right hand rings
Legend has it that in the Ancient times, people used to believe that diamonds were tears of GOD; some believed that these precious stones had the power to heal.
People also believed that the arrow carried by the cupid was tipped with diamond.
Trends in fashion change overnight, if a particular style is in today, then tomorrow it’s outdated; with so much happening in the world of fashion, there are certain things which stay alive forever, one among those is the elegant right hand ring. These right hand rings give the privilege to woman to go out and buy themselves scintillating unique right hand diamond ring and diamond suds that best symbolizes their character; thereby not making them wait for their dream man to buy them one.
Rings worn on the left hand indicate that the woman is married however rings
The naked truth about Diamonds and Diamond Rings
A surprising and shocking fact about diamonds is that, diamonds are not scarce in nature, in fact, they are found abundant in nature, so much that they could be sold at a price far less than what it’s sold at this point in time.
All this was because of exceptional marketing tactics; when the investors found that diamonds were abundant in nature, they knew that, all that they had worked for would go in vain, hence in order to prevent that, they portrayed diamonds to be invaluable and rare; they marketed diamonds
How to Choose Diamond Jewelry Wisely
If you have decided and finally made up your mind that this time you would gift your girlfriend, or wife or sister or mother or anyone who’s really special to you, a dazzling diamond jewelry, then be certain you get them the best. By best, what it means is, best in quality and best in price.
It’s always preferred to choose from some reputed online jewelry store rather than running around various brick and mortar stores. Online stores are easy to access and allow you to move over from one store to another with just a single click of your mouse. They also have made available an immense
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
How to buy Ravishingly graceful diamond bracelets
Diamond bracelets have gained immense popularity among
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The Astonishing facts about the Demand of Diamond Jewelry
The growth in sales of jewelry was always on a constant rise, until came the recession during 2009, which stormed the whole world market. During this period the sales went crashing, huge losses were incurred by the jewelry industry; however now with the recession forgone, things have changed for the better, the sales are now on the rise, and things are getting back to normal, slowly and steadily.
The total jewelry import to Canada was in billion dollars, and the imports were primarily from US, China and India.
The European Union (EU) forms the second biggest jewelry market. The countries that fell in the eastern part of Europe, namely Finland, Spain, Greece and so forth have seen a steady rise in jewelry
Best Tips to present diamond jewelry to your beloved
Think about it? When you organize a surprise birthday party for you wife, aren’t you the one who is excited from beginning to end, your wife would be excited on seeing the surprise, but it is you
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Tips to pick best designer engagement rings
Secondly, be sure you present her with the ring in the best way possible, say for e.g., you could take her out for a candle light dinner, and get the musicians instructed
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Diamond jewelry adds panache to your persona
Dazzling effect of diamond bracelets
Jewelry for the wrist has always been in popularity among women of all ages. The gold bangle bracelets have formed an integral part of a woman’s attire, starting from the ancient Egyptian women. In the ancient times, these diamond bracelets were considered very Royal and were considered as a status symbol. The trend has passed on from generation to generation, but what has differed is the pattern and style of the bracelets. But one
Monday, October 4, 2010
Know the inside story of Pearl Pendants
Pearls have always been a desirable piece of jewel among women of all ages. But what surprises one and all is that, where do they actually come from, or how do they originate.
Behind every precious stone, there is a surprising story behind, like for e.g. diamond stones are very precious and very expensive since we think they are rare. But the truth is that, diamonds are found in abundance in the mines of South Africa, but then just so that it does not lose its value, the investors’ portrayed diamonds as rare stones, which justifies there reason for pricing diamond so high.
Similar to this, pearls also have a very surprising story for you; the general public is under the impression that the fine pearl jewelry are made from pearls that are grown in oyster clams which is found beneath the water; however the truth is that, pearls that are used to make pearl jewelry are called cultured pearls,
Friday, October 1, 2010
Best to know about diamond jewelry

Marriages are meant to last forever, just like diamonds; however, it’s not true in the case of Celebrity marriages, which last hardly 2-3 months.
Yes in a survey it’s been come to notice that the A category celebrities marriage last only 2-3 months.
A reporter once wrote about celebrity marriages that, you can either be famous or you could be happily married for the rest of your life.
It’s been said that a celebrity on proposing says “Would you marry me, and then get divorced”.
Speaking of former NFL star Tikki Barber and Traci Lynn Johnson, they