Thursday, September 23, 2010

The unrivaled growth in the Demand of Diamond Engagement Rings

The demand for diamond is growing each day, and experts are in the opinion that there is no turning back in this demand, for at least some time in the near future.
At this point in time, US accounts for the highest sales of diamonds, however according to DeBeers, the position that US holds in terms of sales is not there to sustain for long, since the demand is highly growing in India and China and the sales are soon to overcome the sales in US.

The prediction by the experts regarding the growing demand for diamond is very promising. The managing director of De Beers says that the sales and demand of diamond and other precious stones in India and Hong Kong would rise so high that it would account for one-third of the global demand.
It’s very strange and surprising when on looks back in time and sees that there was a point in time in India when the couple getting married rarely exchanged diamond engagement rings; however in today’s scenario, every second couple getting married are actually exchanging diamond rings and right hand rings. A 50% increase in demand of
diamond jewelry is expected in India by 2012.

There has been a slight rumor that the supply of diamonds might go down in the near future, reason being, the mines that gave us diamonds, don’t have much quantity left in them and the worst part being, these mines are not being replaced by some other mines rich with diamonds.

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